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drum eq effect live?


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If modern rock music is your thing you have probably heard one of the effects being used, normally at the start of a track where the drums are eq'd so the low end and top end are cut, and then sweep back in for when the song kicks in. It's hard to explain with a keyboard but I hope you get the idea.


One of the bands I work with want to emulate this effect live for one of the songs. Now it would be nice and easy to just bus all the drums, and do it manually, but I'm after a more smooth and reusble way of making it happen.


I have thought along the lines of recalling scenes (m7 is the desk in use) but as far as I am aware scene recalls can only be used as an instant jump from one scene to the next, not as a fade from one to the other so please correct me if I'm wrong.


I have also toyed with the idea of just overheads being used, and then unmuting the rest of the drum mics when the song kicks in, but havent had chance to try it.


I have pleaded with the band for the effected drums to be on track, and then the live drums kick in as and when, but they are hell bent on it being completely live.



Any suggestions would be great.



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Is this the effect you are talking about? If so I did it on this track with a generic bandpass filter. I can give you frequencies and details and stuff if you want them, but I just bypassed it when I wanted the drums to resume normal playing. Regards sweeping it, I'm not familiar enough with programming an M7 but I wouldn't have thought it would be that hard to do. If not, would an outboard bandpass work, and just twist the knob to sweep it and then hit bypass to resume? Its not 100% repeatable, but can't be that difficult to do... [famous last words]
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The M7 has adjustable fade times for recalling between scenes. Another option would be to send to two drum busses - one up all the time, and the other one phase reversed, and with the midrange cut so that only the LF and HF remain. When the phase reversed and scooped buss is added to the normal one the HF and LF should cancel out leaving a band passed signal, so you'd have your effect on a fader.
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Another option would be to send to two drum busses - one up all the time, and the other one phase reversed, and with the midrange cut so that only the LF and HF remain. When the phase reversed and scooped buss is added to the normal one the HF and LF should cancel out leaving a band passed signal, so you'd have your effect on a fader.


That is actually a fantastic idea that I can happily admit never crossed my mind. If it works for real as well as it does on paper then thats brilliant.

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