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light and sound installation

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What kind of MP3 player you using? PC based or hardware? What sensors are you using to trigger the lighting (and what desk / controller are you using for this?) Needs more info on your setup!
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Hello! Doing an outdoor lighting and sound interactive installation. We have sensors to trigger the lights. We need help to trigger two different tracks from a Mp3 player at the same time. Any ideas? It's urgent.

You can find a DMX controlled MP3 player here: http://www.wahlberg.dk/Products/VideoandAudio/Audioproducts/tabid/216/List/1/CategoryID/17/Category2ID/61/Level/2/Default.aspx?SortField=EAN,ProductName



That might work for you, or if you are running Artnet you might want to try ArtKeys and have the two Mp3's played from two separate computers? http://home.online.no/~andhelgo/artkeys_details.html






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