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Console advice


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Hi all,

Just looking for advice on console purchase and wondering if anyone has a preference or advice on the following 2 x consoles. Am looking at buying either a Jands Vista i3 or the new Martin M-1.

Any advice would be helpful. The main us for our lighting console is for live outdoor music festivals so the console needs to be 'busker' freindly.



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In Western Australia - M1 for sure. Lots around and plenty of people who know them!



I wouldn't go so far as to say "lots" around - 1 'major' AV company has one, a couple of small audio companies have one, a few schools have them... I think they are a great desk - especially at the price point though.


I would suggest against the Vista - whilst the latest version has a number of improvements, I still don't find it a good desk for busking on.


For less than the price of an M1, you can get a grandMA2 onPC wing & all in one touchscreen PC - most operators would be fairly comfortable with an MA in Aus. If that solution is off the table, then yes, go an M1 - they are not THAT different to Hog based desks. Both the M1 and GMA Wing are distributed by the same company (ShowTechnology).


I strongly suggest against going Avo - there are a few places around WA that run them, but Avo have no real foothold in the Aussy market - the distributors for Avolites is ULA... they are a great company to deal with - support is excellent (Show Technology also have excellent support and customer service) - but there is no local office in WA - whilst showtech don't have a service department in WA there is at least a local office - so getting repairs done if required is less expensive as they can usually add it to the next shipment going over east.

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I mentioned "lots" as the training structure run in the UK was written mainly by the guys in Aus and I have heard on multiple occasions that the desk is being sold alot over there.


Vista and M1 are very different so get a day of training on both and see which suits you and your needs.. I reckon an M1 and onPC wing may be close to each other on price...


Just sayin' ;) Thanks.

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I suspect the manufacturers opinion of how well things are going in Australia may be different from the perspective of the users on the ground. 'A Lot' could mean ten when there were none the year before - so I'm happy to leave this one to our Australian members to endorse - or not.
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Hi parkcans,


We would love to get you an I3 system so you can have a look at it for yourself and determine if it suits your needs.


The new Vista V2 software on the I3 is a great console for busking as it has the ability for numerous fader action options plus the ability to place any number of presets groups cuelists and snapshots on the hardware of the console to allow for quick and easy busking playback., also with new features such as "touch to play" cuelists on an external screen it expands the busking capability even further.

Western Australia is also one of our largest Vista user bases in Oz and we have a number of advanced users over there, plus our I3 systems can include training in Oz.


If you would like to organise a demo I3 system please contact cst@jands.com.au or call (02) 9582 0909.



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Mainly staff using this. Might get the odd touring guy but 95% staff.

Who's using the desk? Just your staff or the bands own lighting techs? If the latter you might be better off getting something everyone knows like a Avolites or a MA for example.

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