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Basic system for beginner


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Hi, I am hoping someone can help me with a simple system for live music theatre shows.


I am unfamiliar with all the software and hardware options for live shows. I am having trouble understanding the terminology being an amateur.


In the past I have just projected a video, or powerpoint slide show to live music theatre. The images are finely tuned to the music so I just had to use the spacebar to stop and start the video.


  • Our shows generally features a four piece band, a couple of actors and a slideshow of still images or video.
  • I want to add lighting control and sound effects (eg a telephone ringing, a radio announcement etc), and have a better way to control the timing of the slides/videos/sound effects.
  • We generally have an independent person (sound engineer) who sets up his own system so any sound effect I produce will feed into his system.
  • We are not planning live video at this stage, but would like to add that later.


So, I searched and found QLab which sounds like what I need. My question is what else do I need for my show?


Lights: I would like physical controllers for the lights and found the Behringer Eurolight LC2412 DMX http://www.behringer.com/EN/Products/LC2412.aspx and the Entec DMX USB Pro to interphase with the Behringer. http://www.enttec.com/index.php?main_menu=Products&pn=70304&show=datasheets

Software: Lightning DMX Pro http://lightning-DMX...om/products.php ??




I would like physical controllers, not via iPad etc. I understand I need a GO button box for QLab, but what else to control the sound effects and video ques?



Could someone suggest a system for me, or point me in the right direction...


  • My computer is a Macbook Pro.
  • Budget around $2500 for QLab, lighting desk, controllers etc
  • We will hire the lights and data projector for each show or tour.


thank you very much

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Regarding the lighting controller, the LC2412 is a completely stand-alone controller, you don't use a USB interface or software with it. You just plug the DMX to the lights directly into the back of it.

In my opinion it is not a great controller.


Are you really looking for a "control surface" to plug into your mac which will then control some lighting software on the mac? Or are you looking for a stand-alone lighting controller which can be triggered by QLab, e.g. by MIDI?

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I think I would like a stand-alone lighting controller which can be triggered by QLab, e.g. by MIDI.

Can you suggest a product?

Also, I have been reading about the various Motu products, eg. 828, 896 or the traveller as the audio device.

Just found the Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 which is only $370 (in the US) - cheaper than a Motu...

I could also use those for recording which would be very handy in the future.

Any comments on the choice of audio device?

I read that someone used the "Focusrite Pro 40 to control an Expression lighting console via MIDI show control cues". Does that mean the lighting cues came to the lighting console via an audio device??

thank you very much for your suggestions...

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The focusrite unit has MIDI out, so that would be how they did it.


I am not sure what small theatrical lighting controllers are easily available in Australia. I would find a theatrical lighting company (maybe the one you hire from?) and talk to them about this.

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yes, I am waiting to speak to the Australian distributor of the Enttec line of products.



My current thinking is to use their DMXIS (software and hardware) package with a Behringer BCF-2000 as a MIDI controller with QLab and the Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 (available in Australia from www.djstore.com.au).

with two dimmer packs from Light Emotion (single phase) for $200 each http://www.lightsoun...d_6405_prd1.htm

and some LEDs from SDV Pro http://www.soundivision.com.au/ [www.ula.com.au being the parent company]


I hope that will work... any comments?

The focusrite unit has MIDI out, so that would be how they did it.


I am not sure what small theatrical lighting controllers are easily available in Australia. I would find a theatrical lighting company (maybe the one you hire from?) and talk to them about this.

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