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Zarges & PAT

Andrew C

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I use a shortish Zarges, and am preparing method statements and the like. What I lack is any paperwork. There is no info on the English version of their site, and they have been useless at even returning calls.


Has anyone done this recently? Does anyone have a copy of an instruction sheet?






Off topic already, but anyone interested in PAT testing:-


a) Should get out more

b) Should read this http://images-eu.amazon.com/images/P/0852967764.01.MZZZZZZZ.jpg

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Have you tried going to distributers rather than the manufacturer - someone like Flints or Stage Electrics who sell Zarges may have the information you need or be able to winkle it out of the manufacturers easier. This worked for me when I was trying to get coshh info for my Unique Hazer fluid - I couldn't find anything on the Look Solutions website, but after a couple of phone calls White Light came up with the stuff I needed.


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