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Wanted: Hog 2


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They are getting like rockin' horse s........ I finally gave in 2 years ago to the other blue one and the thing from Germany http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif PRG in the UK had a few at that time, both of the ones I had were very tired.


Entec I think still have H2 now I come to think about it.....

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Tim @ Fentura in Dorking still has one in very good condition

Haydn @ Coloursound Experiment in Park Royal had one with a wing, and may still, worth a try if you get stuck


Edit - The main reason why they are rare nowadays is Flying Pig offered a great deal on a roadhog if you chopped in a hog 2, it artificially pushed up the price of them on the second hand market it was that good a deal

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Bit late (but never late than never) and you may well have already tried them, but White Light have a few in hire stock (or at least they did six months ago), and they didn't often leave the warehouse so I'd be surprised if they had no availability.
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