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Lighting Flickering....

Jack B Drury

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Hello all!


Just a quick one, I have a feeling I know the answer to this anyway but I thought there might be a slim chance of a simple and easy fix to my problem..


I would appear to have a flickery lighting channel. Currently, it is running two small Fresnel lamps that start to rapidly increase and decrease in power after running for a while. I thought id post as my lighting set up is a bit old, currently im running a zero 88 jester through a demultiplexer to work with 0-10v dimmers. So here is the million dollar question: is it the demultiplexer or the dimmer pack? You decide :)


Thanks very much!


Jack Drury

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What happens when you plug different lanterns in to that channel? And when you use different demux outputs to feed that channel? And when you use the suspect demux outputs to feed a different dimmer? And when you put a (preferably analogue) meter on the suspect demux output?

Standard troubleshooting practices apply.

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different lanterns have the same effect. Changing internal settings on the dimux box makes no change, but admitedly I havent tried plugging a seperate pack into the dimux channel to test... And someone broke our only working analouge meter last week, still working on getting it sorted :)

Thanks though, I'll swap the packs over and see if that makes a difference

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Swap the packs first - it sounds like a ramp circuit 'off' somewhere or is failing as it warms up. Generally, from experience, demux flicker is seen across a group of channels and not a single channel. As you're running a Jester - if all else fails, try patching the DMX channel for that dimmer channel to another fader - it might be a fader starting to fail but a gut feeling tells me you're going to be looking at having a dimmer serviced.
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