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etc congo jr and ion


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If I programmed a show on a congo jr, would it be possible to save it onto a memory stick and then connect that stick to an ion, so that I can then run the show? im going on tour and a few venues that its visiting have ions, but I only have access to a congo jr for the tech rehearsal. can anyone help? Thanks in advance! Al
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Ion can Import the majority of the data from Congo showfiles.

Browser > File > Import > USITT ASCII (Congo files are ASCII)


However, some of the more advanced features (eg Effects, some Master functions) will not import as the Eos and Congo Families have a different feature set, and different ways of working.

This means that not all the features have a directly compatible equivalent in the other console family.


So you will need to check the show once it’s imported into Ion to ensure everything you need has imported correctly.


- You may wish to use the Eos Offline editor to quickly check beforehand so that you’ve some idea of what (if any) adjustments are necessary when imported into the Ion console.


In general:

A generics-only show will usually import correctly in either direction, while shows using moving lights and LEDs may need some tweaks after import.

Any Effects will need to be re-written as the effect engines are very different.

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