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pearl 2004 simulator and avolites visualizer


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hi, I 4pologize for the writings but my keybo4rd is broken 4nd I c4n not type some letters.. I spent the l4st two d4ys trying to m4ke the two working togheter but with very little results.. 4nyone c4n enlight me ple4se question m4rk ..by the w4y, my shift buttons 4nd ctrl do not work, so.. forget everything th4t requires them.


th4nk for the p4tience expeci4lly.. I hope you would underst4nd.. stupid guit4rist of one bndd I w4s working with spill h4lf bottle of w4ter on my keybo4rd.. 4nd I need to get the pearl 2004 simulator and avolites visualizer work 4s4p, lots of shows coming up, 4nd I do not h4ve much experience with the pe4rl. m4ny th4nks



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Cant help with the Pearl Sim, but please use on screen keyboard found under: Start>All Programs>Accessories>Accessibility (Ease of Access on Win7) This will give you back your Control, Alt and Shift keys which might make life easier for you whilst you're trying to search for solutions.



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Avolites are exceedingly friendly.


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Is certainly nice to apologise so we understand your problem. However, am I the only person that finds it odd that your "a" button works in the title and description, but not in the main thread?

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I get mine to work by starting the Pearl Sim, then starting the visualiser, and then in the visualiser, clicking on the 'Simulator' radio-button so that they start talking to each other. This is assuming you are using the two programs on one computer.


You can then add all the fixtures/trusses etc in the visualiser and then patch all the fixtures in the Sim (obviously to the same addresses etc.), and it'll work http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif

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Cant help with the Pearl Sim, but please use on screen keyboard found under: Start>All Programs>Accessories>Accessibility (Ease of Access on Win7) This will give you back your Control, Alt and Shift keys which might make life easier for you whilst you're trying to search for solutions.




thank you for the tip!!

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Cant help with the Pearl Sim, but please use on screen keyboard found under: Start>All Programs>Accessories>Accessibility (Ease of Access on Win7) This will give you back your Control, Alt and Shift keys which might make life easier for you whilst you're trying to search for solutions.




thank you for the tip!!


Oh look! You fixed your 'a' key.

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