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Holding on to a relic?


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Not sure how relevant this is to you professional noise boise but it's probably worth a mention anyhow.


Being a student and having no money to buy any kit for the last 2 and the next 4 years, I was over the moon when my granddad gifted me his pair of Goodmans PQ150s (some of the more experienced BR members may have heard of them). I made a little error of treating them like a brand new set of cabs at my first gig with them and sped up the disintegration of the foam by 1 million percent; realising the morning after when a deposit of black powder sat on the floor beneath them.


The drivers were Jamo and being respectful and sentimental I attempted to find some similar replacements online. My lack of funds for anything near the original standard of speaker nearly drove me to sacrilege when I almost very nearly bought a pair of qtx sound drivers for £15 each. Retrospectively I am now very very ashamed. However, after much googling I came across a manufacturer of a foam repair kit. They're U.S. based but have a store on Fleabay which gave me confidence in the purchase. Cost + P&P from the states was 26 of dwindling tuppenny bits below 25 quid, cheaper than buying the substandard replacements. After the uncertainty of the Easter weekend post they arrived this morning and after a bit of mess with the glue, they're on and sound as good as ever.


So if you've got some deteriorating drivers have a look for the replacement. They stock appropriate sizes for most new models but if you get a tape measure out you can retrofit the right size foam on to any speaker (mine were listed as some Advent ones). They're pretty simple to put on. The first might be a bit messy but you'll be decent at it by the second, and frankly if a cack-handed lampie like me can do it then you certainly can.





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Ah. If only they were on there last week would have saved me the mess.


Anyway the foams are still holding after being thrashed a bit, but thanks for the Boltons link. If my repairs don't hold I'll send them down there.


simplyspeakers.com was the site


Cheers gents.



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