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WYSIWYG fixture orientation


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I have built a new model from an imported technical drawing. After importing the file, it was side to side wheras I prefer to have the stage at the top, so I rotated the whole thing 90 degrees. Put bars and venue details in - so far so good. The snag is that when I put a fixture onto a bar, it faces downwards away from the stage (set to pan 0 tilt 0 as normal). I have obviously done something stupid. Help!


One extra possible clue - which might be a red herring - when I earlier set a user origin this was fine until I tried to use shading view but my POV was stuck at the real origin so I could just about find my theatre but it was miles away and effectively moved side to side. I eventually picked up the whole model and centred it on real 0,0 which cured this problem.


WYSIWYG Design R28 Update 1.



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I have tracked down what I did wrong... For the record, when I imported the plan drawing I rotated it 90 degrees in an attempt to get it with the stage at the top but this came out the wrong way around. I then rotated it 180 degrees to get it the right way up and I think this is where WYSIWYG got its knickers in a twist. What I should have done is undone the first rotation then rotated by -90 degrees - which is what I have now done and everything is fine now.


Regards -- Peter




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