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Right side of sound desk constantly peaking.


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Hi all,


First off, apologies for the vague-ness of this post. The information I have has come via numerous posts from my brother (a muso) on my facebook wall.


He has acquired a 'Soundlab PRO-10/EFX 700' which is apparently a re-badged 'studio master vision 708'.


He says that he accidentally left it on all night a few days ago, and since then, any input level into any channel on the desk causes the right side to instantly and constantly peak, although left is fine. Apparently, plugging a lead into the right insert socket causes all sound on the right channel to disappear (as you would expect if there is nothing on the other end of the insert lead).


My money is on some component or another inside the desk having failed, but without going up to Liverpool, opening it up and having a poke around, I'm not sure what- Can anyone suggest which part of the circuitry or what sort of component may be at fault based on similar experiences with other analogue consoles/sensible guesses?






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One thought - could there be a feedback path through the desk? Possibly an effects unit set to bypass or something similar? Does it happen when there is nothing connected to the desk?




Thanks James, something to do with built in effects was my first thought, but aparently the problem cropped up over night, and is happening across all channels which is what makes me think it might be component failure.

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Hi guys, thanks for your input. For reference, there was no sound coming out of the offending channel. To sum this one up, he took it in to get it looked at, and turns out it was a transistor somewhere that was playing up.





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