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Strand 300 shutdown


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I am in the process of buying a Strand 300 desk, and the person selling it has agreed to let me run it for a few days before I commit. The only problem I can find at the moment (apart from having no discs or password) is that it wont shut down as it should. When you do Report Exit Shutdown Shutdown it doesnt switch off it just goes to the DOS prompt, and the only way to shut it down is to remove the power. Anyone got any ideas, is this a software fault or is it a setting the previous user has changed.
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The desks used to display a teal green splashscreen once you pressed the shutdown softkey in Report, which said it was now safe to shut the desk down (or similar!). Anyway, this splash screen was just on top of the DOS shell so if you've exited to a dos prompt then you'll be fine.


You'll soon know if your not fine next time you boot the desk up, as it'll tell you it wasn't shut down properly and ask to do a 220clean.


(Amazing how after 18 months of an Eos, that I have forgotten so much 3/500 series stuff!)

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I'm not sure if it affects it, but what version of the software is the console running? You may find a reinstall/update sorts out the problem. Whilst playing around with my faulty console, with various versions of the software, I'm sure at one point it wasn't powering itself down.


NB, If you are going to try this, ***back up the password first***

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The desks used to display a teal green splashscreen once you pressed the shutdown softkey in Report, which said it was now safe to shut the desk down (or similar!). Anyway, this splash screen was just on top of the DOS shell so if you've exited to a dos prompt then you'll be fine.


You'll soon know if your not fine next time you boot the desk up, as it'll tell you it wasn't shut down properly and ask to do a 220clean.


(Amazing how after 18 months of an Eos, that I have forgotten so much 3/500 series stuff!)


Thanks, I am going to dig a bit deeper and may do a software re-install if I can get the discs from somewhere.


I'm not sure if it affects it, but what version of the software is the console running? You may find a reinstall/update sorts out the problem. Whilst playing around with my faulty console, with various versions of the software, I'm sure at one point it wasn't powering itself down.


NB, If you are going to try this, ***back up the password first***


Thanks, I cant believe how quickly you replied, I will certainly back up the password first.

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300 Software can be downloaded here. You want the top one at least, if not networker as well if it is enabled.


I'll say it again, 'cos it's really important...***Back up the password first!***, and get the owner's permission. If you don't back up the password via Archive then there is the potential to wipe hundreds, if not thousands of pounds worth of upgrades from the console.

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The desks used to display a teal green splashscreen once you pressed the shutdown softkey in Report, which said it was now safe to shut the desk down (or similar!).


I think this is only a 500 feature, the 300 will just power off after running shut down.

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As the rest have said, back up the password!


The orther thing I did was to take a photo of the "Report" screen which displays all the channels/faders/applications/etc. BEFORE doing anything with the software.


I had a problem with one of my 300s and, when I couldn't actually get the password retrieved, Stage Electrics rebuilt the processor on the basis that I could "show" them what the console had installed - othewrwise it would have cost ££££££.

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