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Anyone used the Digi Co D5?


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I was reading about someone's experience of the D5 in the latest issue of Lighting and Sound. I think it could have been the article about "Ramstein" (that very dark german international rock band).


The guy had problems, where in one of the gigs it even cut-out completely and then turned back on again giving a huge great big thump to the FOH etc. - Nice!

(maybe that's the embedded Widnows operating system that it is apparently based upon... win XP or something).


The guy didn't trust it for doing anything more than using it as though it were an analogue (not analog :blink: ) console - and mixing as though it was a midas or something. Therefore he wasn't using any internal fx or compression etc. - He had to use external rack units




On the other hand, the rest of the articles where the engineers use D5's, there's nothing but praise!


Wish I could get my hands on one - I only have a Behringer MX9000 (which I kinda like, apart from the leakage between channels) and a Spirit SX!



One day maybe...

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the only way he would have got a clunk on the system is if it lost total power cos if the pc shuts down it keeps the audio live, but if he was running it using the dual power supplies correctly then he should have had a clunk. The software is based on windows ME and is now very stable. The desk is such a powerful thing especially the D5T cos of its 32x32 Matrix, if you get a chance have a play.
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The software is based on windows ME and is now very stable.

I wouldn't go that far, just a couple of weeks ago the lcd's above the faders scrambled and we had to perform a surface reset mid show!! :) doesn't exactly fill me with confidence. As for the fact the desk is running windows Me due to the fact it is apparently the only version of windows that Digico could get touch screen drivers for well... :o :o


At the end of the day it's a good product but overshadowed by Yamaha in most respects IMHO.



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As far as Windows O/S's go.


Windows ME was a mistake, as far as Microsoft were concerned and has been discontinued as far as I know.


ME was so unstable and filled with bugs


That's why Windows XP Home came out - There was never meant to be XP home, only windows XP which is now known as XP Pro.


But that's another argument for a computer forum, which this is not.

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Well it depends on what version of the D5T software you are running the newest is V6.246 which the only thing that makes it crash now is using edit all on the scope page or edit range on the scope page. When speaking to Digi Co about this problem, it is being rectified as we speak and the new version of the software is out soon. I have also used the PM5D and I feel the D5T is so much accessable and versitile to use.

Yes we all know ME wasnt that stable as a O/S but I havent and speak ing to other operator and programmers I know there hasnt been a single problem with ME running the D5T, the bugs have always been from D5T software issues.

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Yes we all know ME wasnt that stable as a O/S but I havent and speaking to other operator and programmers I know there hasnt been a single problem with ME running the D5T, the bugs have always been from D5T software issues.


Whether the bugs are in the OS or in the firmware, it still doesn't make me want to go and buy one...


Also taking the PM5D as an example, Yamaha have developed a desk, sorted out the software bugs and then released it onto the market, Digico seem to make everyone who buys a desk find out what the software bugs are and then they try and fix them :** laughs out loud **: ;)



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But surely thats a good thing that they released the desk onto the market so that people like Andrew Bruce etc can hammer the desk and use it to its full potential, find any problems and can suggest changes to the software to improve the desk? Also half of the options that are on the new software have been added since its release so if you are always improving the software constantly and working to keep up with designers and operators needs then you there may be some bugs, which I know from personal experience if you speak to Digi Co then they take note and try to correct the problems asap.
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Digico seem to make everyone who buys a desk find out what the software bugs are and then they try and fix them :huh:  :huh:




That philosophy sounds familiar... Are Digico owned by Microsoft?!!! :D :D :D :** laughs out loud **: ;)

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But surely thats a good thing that they released the desk onto the market so that people like Andrew Bruce etc can hammer the desk and use it to its full potential, find any problems and can suggest changes to the software to improve the desk?

I'm not suggesting that there shouldn't be ongoing support and development in association with users of a console but, if I have just spent many thousands of pounds on a console I do not expect to have to tell a manufacturer if the product works in the first place!!

Basic R&D should be done by people that are asked to find bugs and/or suggest alterations to the way it works before they have had to open their wallets. :** laughs out loud **:


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