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Stacking projectors


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I have a really difficult client that wants to know why do I have to put a projector on top of another instead of putting it on the side.

This seems a really stupid question but it has to do with scenery construction and space for the projectors.

I'm going for the lens proximity theory, but does anyone knows where I can get some theoretic support on this, like a withe paper or so?


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Most "big" projectors have between 30 and 50% vertical lens shift - that is, they can physically move the beam of light vertically between 30 and 50% of the height of the image it projects with minimal changes to the geometry. On the same hand, most will only have between 10 and 30% horizontal shift - and a lot of those projectors use manual shift for horizontal. Many have none at all.


There is nothing to stop side-by side stacking of projectors, it is just that as a general rule, vertical stacking is a lot more versatile - and most manufacturers make lovely little brackets that make sure the pair of projectors stay square with each other, making life so much easier.

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Depends on the projector design... Most projectors are rear venting these days - finding side-venting projectors is becoming quite difficult (I was looking for some for an install about 9 months ago that needed to go on a small sill above a door, as far into it as possible. It was a difficult task)
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If there's a mod passing by, could they please correct the typo in the thread title?? There's a world of difference between staking projectors and stacking them...


Moderation: There have been times that I've wanted to drive a stake through a projector, but this isn't one of them! Title changed.

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