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Mac 2k Profile ll Fan Help Please!


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Hi All,

Before I either kill myself or have an "unfortunate" accident with my Mac 2k's I wonder if someone could help.


Been experiencing a couple of problems with them recently, no power fluctuations or issues that would affect their running, it seems to be something else. When they are powered but not struck, the fans whirl away nicely without any problems. However; once I do strike them one of the fans ramps up and down VERY loudly. It never used to do this before, ever - does anyone know what this could be or why? Even when I douse the lantern it continues but it seems to be an intermittent fault - I've de-rigged them and am running them on ground level after giving them a bit of a clean and have struck them and ran them for 3 hours without a problem today... So what could this be and how can I fix it?!?! No error message is displayed and the temperature seems normal, so surely the fans shouldn't be ramping up and down? (Fast to slow, repeated and loudly). I've opened up the bases and I can't see any damaged cables... Bewildered!!!


Also, the fan settings... I've looked in the destruction manual but nothing, I've down it before but cannot for the life remember how I did it!! How can I change the fan settings so that they run quiter? I know the studio mode will make it operate quiter, but I remember previously that there is a fan setting in a sub menu but I just canb't remember where!!


Any help would be greatly appreciated!!


Many thanks in advance, kind regards,



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I haven't used a Mac 2k myself so this is a bit of an educated guess, but it may well be that there is a problem with the temperature sensor. If this has failed in some way then the fans will be getting confused as to the true temperature within the head, and speeding up when they don't need to. Since it only happens after the lamp has been struck then your problem might be caused by electrical interference. The 2Ks use electronic ballasts don't they?
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Many thanks for this information, before I take it apart again and try and locate the sensor... Is this something that I can get to easily and give it a little clean? Is this likely to make any affect? Surely worth a shot...


Thanks again for the advice!!

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The sensor is not something you can clean, as it is a component soldered on a pcb, you could check for dry/cracked solder joints on this pcb. To get to it is fairly simple, with the head in the position that the writing on the lamp access is up the right way and you are looking at that, it is on the right hand side under the plastic cover. This can be taken off by undoing 2 screws, and then removing it, like I say check for dodgey solder joints, if you have more then one unit whilst you have the cover off swap a pcb from a good working unit and test to see if the issue is still there, if it is then it is not the sensor at fault and you have a wiring or a main pcb issue. If it goes away then you need to order a new temp sensor pcb, part number 62003022.

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