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Good quality power amps


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Hi all,


I'm new here so apologies if I'm covering a subject that has already been discussed at length.


I just wanted to ask for some advice on power amps and which makes you would recommend/are your "go-to" choice?


I don't nesserserally have a real world situation in mind here. I do lots of technical stuff at my church and I know there is going to be a point where we're thinking of upgrading our amps so I would quite like to at least have an idea of which manufactures to look at!


I know this is very much an opinion based 'get what you pay for' discussion. Therefore here are some ideas of context:

+ Preferably a make with a verity of digital amps avaliable that have some processing options, particularly delay and EQ.

+ Value over prestige - if their amps sound good, are reliable and well built, we're onto a winner!

+ Price range of about £600 - £800 for 500w at 4ohms per channel. This is based on a two channel amps, for 4 channel, double the price.

+ Used to drive non-powered speakers so stand-alone rack-mount (I would prefer not to get into a descussion about powered vs non-powered speakers)


Finally, please feel free to share opinions outside these criteria (e.g. the best of the best) but please can you mention which of the criteria they don't adhear to.


Thanks all!

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What is good for touring (i.e. lightweight) is not necessary for an install, also those touring amps do include DSP but you pay more than is necessary for the situation<br><br>I have used the Crown xti series which do come it around this price and I have been very happy with but sometimes depending on the installation it is better to have an outboard dsp and just a conventional amp in which case QSC GX & RMX series, or Crown XLS would be fine.



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You needn't look farther than the Void Acoustics range of amplifiers if you want my opinion. They have two ranges. The first is a heavyweight torroidal design all in 2 channel models and the second is a lightweight smps design in 4 or 2 channel.


We are dealers and users of this gear and it's never failed to perform.

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I'd second the QSCs; I like them because they are absolutely reliable. Even when hoisting them around (which you don't seem to be doing) can be a literal pain in the back, I still love their reliability.

My second choice would be Amcron/Crown. And I'm not American, btw. :P

The ones I have in mind are just amps, w/out any EQ or delay, limiters maybe.

Since a lot of folks want to "upgrade" now and buy so-called digital amps, you'll probably find some nice 2nd hand offers from the online auctioning houses.

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+1 for Camco, expensive but sound awesome and have some nice features like offline level controls (no crackles) and speaker protect... just a pig to wire into a 13a plug (4.0mm mains lead!) Not sure why, their current draw isn't excessive!

I have two 2nd hand Vortex 4's (off ebay for just under a grand each!). Work perfectly, but obviously, excercise caution when you buy!


HTH! Richie

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