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Anyone have a Martin MP2 we could borrow?

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We recently acquired a whole load of Martin Mac 250/300s in bits from ebay which we have been building back into complete units. Among those parts is one Mac 300 driver board. We would like to re-program this to use in one of the 250s. Since the boards are identical I am assuming that all I'd need to do is upload the 250 firmware? The board does actually work in the 300 but we've decided to break the 300 for parts as its missing the yellow color wheel, which I gather is very expensive to replace? Does anyone have an MP2 uploader we could borrow, or we could send the board to you to reprogram if you'd rather not send your kit off to a complete stranger :D We have a whole load of 250/300 parts we don't need which we could swap with you if you like.
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