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Le Maitre MVS


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Hello all!

Our MVS has broken! :(

The heating element has come away from it's fixing which is a piece of stud M10 with an elongated hole through it which the element sits in. This is where it has broken off across the hole. It was also reported that the element was arcing with the stud (I understand this is how it is supposed to work?) but could that of caused this to happen?


I was just wondering if anyone else has had this issue? Is it a common problem?


We are debating wether to fix it our selves with a bit of stud or send it off






EDIT - Please find the pictures below (links to my SkyDrive)

The Element


The Bit that broke off


Photo of how it should be


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I admit freely I've never used or fixed an MVS before, but based on my experience of other Le Maitre hazers:


a) The stud needs to be brass, because it's providing the current for the heating element.

You'll need to drill it yourself if you're not going to buy a spare from Le Maitre. Could be fiddly.

You can't just use an offcut of steel studding.


b) I don't think the stud should arc at all. I suspect the reason it broke was due to overheating caused by arcing or poor connection. Possibly the nut holding the element on was loose.

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parts for the MVS are cheap and readily available from many suppliers. My usual suppliers are stage electrics,so if you have an account with them, they will help.


The heating element itself is around 30 quid (list) if I remember right. It's easy enough to fix yourself.


Good Luck



I admit freely I've never used or fixed an MVS before, but based on my experience of other Le Maitre hazers:


a) The stud needs to be brass, because it's providing the current for the heating element.

You'll need to drill it yourself if you're not going to buy a spare from Le Maitre. Could be fiddly.

You can't just use an offcut of steel studding.


b) I don't think the stud should arc at all. I suspect the reason it broke was due to overheating caused by arcing or poor connection. Possibly the nut holding the element on was loose.

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