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VL1000 motherboard


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I have been having trouble with my Vl1000's (as & ts) showing various faults.


It seems that these faults are all deriving from the driver chips in the motherboard. A simple jiggle of these chips appears to fix the problems, but it is getting quite frustrating.


Has anybody experienced this? Does anybody have a more permanent solution?

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As an owner of VL1000 units and having seen many a touring show come through my doors with them, speaking to the touring electricians, the key to keeping the VL1000 alive is 'crunching the chips in', as this solves the majority of problems.

It sounds to me like you're already doing what you need to!



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I have been having trouble with my Vl1000's (as & ts) showing various faults.


It seems that these faults are all deriving from the driver chips in the motherboard. A simple jiggle of these chips appears to fix the problems, but it is getting quite frustrating.


Has anybody experienced this? Does anybody have a more permanent solution?

This is quite a common problem on the VL1Ks as there is so much flex on the board and the yoke. Not holding them by the yoke helps, but that is the easiest way of handling these. The new boards are soldered, rather than socket mount which solves this issue, but then it is a pain when drivers need changing.

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