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MA Lighting & Clay Paky Open Days


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Hi Guys,


Just something to be aware of if your in the area, might be worth popping in if you use or would like to know more about both product ranges. It's at the Brighton Pavilion Theatre on Wednesday 29th February.


Ambersphere Solutions will be showing off all the latest toys, including the QWO 800 from Clay Paky and the new onPC command Wing from MA Lighting. It will be a chance for you to have a go "hands on" with the products in a theatre.


More details on the website and facebook;







"In a new initiative to introduce the latest MA Lighting and Clay Paky products to their customers in a ‘hands on’ environment, Ambersphere Solutions have announced a series of regional showcases in performance venues throughout the UK.


‘This is an opportunity for us to take to the road with the latest additions to our product portfolio from our partners Clay Paky and MA Lighting. By going to where our customers are, we are offering them the chance to see the products in a real venue environment and on a handy, localised basis. It will also be a chance for those who may not currently source Clay Paky and MA Lighting kit to drop into the local venue to see what Ambersphere has to offer’, states Philip Norfolk, Sales Director for Ambersphere Solutions.


‘This style of event reinforces our commitment to developing an in-depth, one-to-one relationship with each of our customers. We see it as a chance to spend some proper time with them in a ‘fit for purpose’ venue, allowing them to examine the products up close, ask our team questions, and to experience some hands-on time working with the products to see what can be achieved’.


The products being featured in the first regional open day will include the elegant time-saving battery powered LED GlowUp fixture, the feature packed Alpha Spot QWO800 (Quiet Wide Optic) from Clay Paky and the brand new £3,550 MA Lighting onPC command wing.


Light refreshments will be served throughout the day, and whilst it is an open house for anyone who is interested in trying out the products, the team would be keen to know who to expect by emailing (Caz Williamson caz@ambersphere.co.uk)."

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