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I am having a play with magicq pc. I am trying to record some chase's for my Lanta fireball parcans. Now, I can record the chase and play it back using the fader, but when I pull the fader down, the lamp stays on (the chase stops).


I want the light to go out when I pull the fader down.


The cans are 5 channel, dimmer, red, green, blueandstrobe.


Can anyone help or should I stick to sound!!



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When you patched the lights did you get offered a choice of modes which mentioned HTP and LTP?

Highest Takes Precedence - acts the same as a basic preset desk; the output of the light will match the position of the faders both when they go up and down.

Latest Takes Precedence - the light will react to instructions (e.g. red 100%) but it has no "off" state; if you want it to go black you have to program a state which is red 0%.


If the light has a mode which has a separate control channel for dimmer then the desk personality is likely to offer LTP for the colour channels and HTP for the dimmer channel.


If you have your light patched in 5 channel mode and it is still lit when you zero the fader then you may still have the dimmer raised in the Programmer; always press CLEAR after recording any states or the values will stay live.

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eh? you mean so you have a red, green and blue fader? in HTP? What happens when you pull the fader? It stays on? That doesn't make sense - unless the fixture needs the dimmer channel to come down too, which is odd. You've tried the obvious things. If you're very stuck, post a link to the show file and we can try it on our systems and see if we can work out what you've done.


I always thought the best example of power in a field was many years ago when Jim Laws persuaded the local electricery company to loan him an 11KV transformer so he could tap into the supply that ran across the site on cables. The bill was not exactly cheap, but it worked!

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There are 5 faders per fixture, dimmer, red, green, blue and strobe.


each of the fadeers work as they should in the programmer, but when I record a chase, the playback fader activates the chase, but when I pull the fader down, the chase stops but the fixture stays on....if that makes sense?


However, if I remove the fixtures and just patch in10 dimmers, each dimmer acts as a channel on the light. If I record a chase this way, the playback faer DOES turn the fixture off when the fader is pulled down.


Is it somthing to do with the personality of the fixture?


thanks for all the help so far chaps



If the light has a mode which has a separate control channel for dimmer then the desk personality is likely to offer LTP for the colour channels and HTP for the dimmer channel.



sussed it!!! Had to change the dimmer channel on the light personailty to HTP. Every channel was defaulted as LTP.


Thanks again for your help

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which is what donkidonki suggested higher up!



yes, and thats why I quoted him in my reply :rolleyes:


I just wasn't sure where to change the setting. As I said, I am a complete lighting novice.


Now for my next question.........where do I change the preset positions of a moving head, if say for instance, I had the heads on ythe floor rather than truss?


Thanks again

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What are you trying to do? I'm a bit confused. If you hang the kit, then set up useful locations in the positions window, and then maybe another load for when you have the kit on the floor? Or are you trying to do something else. It's pretty usual to set up loads of focus positions and then recall these from the buttons on the screen. You can also make changes and then update these positions if you need to.
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