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Strand 300 behavior


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Hi all. I have a Strand 300 series that I've been using for about a year. In my experience thus far, I've always been able to jump to a cue out of sequence by keying CUE (number) G0X1 or GOX2. Today, without warning, it seems no longer to allow me to do this. Is this more likely to be a 'feature' or a problem with the desk?  
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The first thing that jumps to mind is the desk mode, which is indicated by one of the 4 LEDs above the GOX1 faders. If it's not in auto or manual fade mode then the GOX1 and GOX2 buttons and faders are disabled. You can change the mode by hitting the left mode button above the GOX1 faders and choosing auto or manual fade.


Kind Regards,


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Desk is set to Auto Fade as usual. One other comment; I have two shows on the local disk, this behavior (seems to) show up with the one show but not with the other. I have noticed along the way that if you begin a command at the prompt and don't execute it within a reasonable amount of time, (let's say 20 sec.) the prompt clears and pressing GO will advance to the next cue in the list. In the situation I am now seeing, it is possible to execute a "CUE (number) GO" sequence, but if there is any delay beyond maybe 1 to 2 sec. the GO button simply advances to the next cue. Unreliable, and introducing still more stress for the hysterical director.


Thanks for all your replies, by the way.








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