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Hey Guys,


We have recently added a load of Chauvet RGBW Birdies to our rig. I now have a problem where some of my mover moves that I have recorded on subs etc, if I want to alter them and then re record the sub it will not actually record the new state and when I put the sub up it will still be the old state. We have 12 movers and 16 scrollers and 20 RGBW birdies along with our generics fresnels etc. Everything is all on universe 1 and we have a DMX splitter, to split the DMX to all the fixtures. the RGBW birdies are on their own line out of the splitter and not connected directly to any other fixture. Just wandered if anybody had experienced this before or even anyone had a clue.


Everything was fine and I never had any problems before adding these birdies. However the one thing that I do have on every single DMX channel on the display on the screen is the letter N, which I dont remember being there before


any advice would be greatfully recieved

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The letter N by a channel means, I believe, that the channel is set to be Null, and so won't be recorded. I can't remember how to de-null the channel off hand, but once you get rid of that you should be fine. Try going into cue 0 or have a look at the soft keys when you select that channels.
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The 'N' next to the channel is either Null or there is a filter applied to it.


If it is null then any 'Go To Cue' Command will remove the null.

If that does not work then a filter is probably on, to remove the filter just open up the CIA, either with the displays key or the Citroen sign on the right hand side - on the left side of the CIA is the parameters display, split up into lots of little squares, the top right one says filters, Click on that then the top left button will change to say clear filters, just click on that and it should remove any filter.


Without the desk or manual in front of me I'm pretty sure those are the only two things that give you the little 'N' in the channels display.

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