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Recording Video straight to USB

Peter F

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My googleability seems to be failing me this week.


I am looking for a device, preferably portable, that will allow me to record a live composite video input plus audio onto a usb stick. I don't want to involve a laptop or anything else inbetween.

This instant video recorder from Pinnacle would appear to be exactly the device I am looking for but it seems to have either been discontinued or never existed.


Any suggestions...






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If you get no luck with the leads you've been given here, probably be worth looking at some security\cctv\"spy" forums. Sounds like something the secret squirrels would use!

They all seem to record to SD/micro SD card. Headcam type things do too.

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It looks like the Pinnacle unit is the only unit available that meets the, rather specific, specifications. It's an application where a fairly un-technical operator needs to be able to record the output of his camera to usb sticks for definitely un-technical people (professional sports coaches) to watch on whatever computer they happen to have. Naturally, this is on a very limited budget.


Thanks to everyone who contributed useful ideas and suggestions.



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You won't find anything that records to USB stick - there are lot of options which record to SD card. I don't really see the issue here, anyone with the capability to use a USB stick can use an SD card and a USB card reader.


I'd suggest forgetting the complexity of composite video out of a camera into a device with its own battery (think about the real complexity here - is the mythical USB stick battery charged? Will it run out of power at a crucial moment? Is the composite plugged in properly? Will it get pulled out during a recording?)


I would supply camcorders which shoot directly onto SD cards. This is a lot more reliable and easier to operate. A simple USB card reader will let the footage be watched on any PC and the quality will be a lot better than anything cheap involving composite feeds.


If your really obsessed by the need to use a "usb stick" then why not just use Flip HD cameras - these are a USB stick with integrated camera - 100% all in one which is simple enough to be used by primary school children and their great grand parents!

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