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Unusual mode issue Mac 250 krypton


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Hi All

I've had a quick topic search and could find no help. If anyone else has had this problem and knows of a solution it would be greatly appreciated!

One of my Mac 250 kryptons has taken upon itself to change mode from 16 bit extended to 16 bit during a session not only once but on two separate occasions and used several times with no issues in the interim.

Puzzling !

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Just a suggestion, try flashing the firmware or updating it via an uploader. All decent hire lighting company's should have one you can hire, download the latest firmware updates for all your mac's and update all your fixtures while you're at it. Or send it in for a costly repair/service.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a suggestion, try flashing the firmware or updating it via an uploader. All decent hire lighting company's should have one you can hire, download the latest firmware updates for all your mac's and update all your fixtures while you're at it. Or send it in for a costly repair/service.




Thanks Jono, Didn't need upload, needed to change memory backup battery, have done so and all appears fine.



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