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Script File on an Avo Pearl Tiger


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Hi all,

I've got a show coming up later this year at school (April ish), and I've got a bit of a dilemma...


Basically, we have the school musical (which is also an A-Level Performing Arts exam for some students) coming up later this year, and I've been asked to do lighting for it. Because of when it is, I cannot/do not have the time to design it etc, so we have come to a possible agreement that if the music teacher does a basic design for it and gives it to me, I'll program the desk up so that over the three nights a 'muggle' (non technical person) can operate it.


However, from what I've heard so far, the lighting is going to be quite complex during numbers (i.e. having movers, chases etc). If I was going to be operating it, I would just busk for it, but as I'm not able to operate it, I need to program it all into a cue/theatre stack so that it can be run by simply hitting the 'Go' button on cue.


So, I was thinking the best way to have it quite complex during numbers would be for me to record a script file for each song, and then to somehow link this into the cuestack so that it runs as a normal cue...


Is it possible to link a script file into the main theatre stack on a Pearl? Just I've never really needed to do this before, so don't really know where to start, especially as I couldn't seem to find it in the manual!


If not, another (but probably not as good) way to do it would be to program several chases onto the playbacks and then to program these into the theatre stack. Is this possible?


I know these are a bit overkill, but he said that he doesn't want a non-technical person having to do it manually, especially as it's people's exam, so I need to make it 'idiot proof'!!


Thanks very much http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif


Max J

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Hi all,

I've got a show coming up later this year at school (April ish), and I've got a bit of a dilemma...


Max J



Your show is April...To be honest, I'd forget complicated scripts and cue stacks, as that's at least two months to train someone how to operate a tiger and busk to music...I did that with one of my technical volunteers in a couple of hours before a gig!



Edited to remove excessive quoting!

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Seconded. (as an option)




The alternative would be making sure that your muggle marks up the script as you program. If you reduce it to just a go button you shouldn't need to link them together and with them marking up the script then they should know when to press go. Avolites are great for programming complex things in to single cues.

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I really would recommend using chases in place of script files if you're going to venture into the world of theatre stack - Script files are designed for use in installs, or with timecode primarily. (normally I'd recommend a Titan desk over a Classic if you're using cue lists, but being in a set venue I guess you don't have that option - let me know if you want one for a week and I'll see what I can sort out!)


If you program up your songs as chases, then you can use the autoload function to include them into the theatre stack. Remember to set a fade in and fade out for them.


Also a bit off topic, why do so many schools and places insist on having desks that no members of staff know how to use? This still a complete mystery to me - if you buy a bit of kit, someone in the staff needs to know how to use it. You wouldn't buy a top spec macbook or camcorder which only the students know how to use surely?

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I did think about attempting to train someone up for it, especially as we will be needing someone to replace me (and my friend who does sound) when we leave the school late this year, so it would be killing two birds with one stone!! However, I doubt he'll be too keen on that as it's people's exam, but I'll throw the idea in! Thanks :)


Emma, thanks very much for that, I didn't know that script files were more for 'permanent' use- I just thought it would be a good way to automate everything, but from what you've said, chases would be a better option.

Am I right in thinking that you use the autoload function by going into Theatre stack mode, clicking on Advanced, clicking Autoload and then hitting the SWOP of the chase playback? So then when it gets to that cue it automatically loads that chase? Thanks :)


I know what you mean about schools having equipment that is way OTT for the requirements and that no teacher has a clue how to use! I only know how to use it because of countless performing arts lessons (and frees!) sitting there messing with it and pressing buttons (and in fairness, someone we hire kit off showed me the more advanced stuff), so god knows what they're going to do with £2000 worth of desk when I leave!!

I'm not complaining though, it's given me an opportunity to learn and use a desk that's used widely in the industry!

Thanks very much for the help everyone! :)

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