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MagicQ - fader releasing stack


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Quick query for the MagicQ gurus (I'm looking at YOU, Matt Lemon ;)) ...


Scenario : I've got a master cue list running a show, which was programmed using auto-move-while-dark (yes, yes, I know - I'd prefer to have discrete mark cues, but it's what I've got to work with in this instance). I've also got a 'scene change working light' playback, which grabs a handful of moving lights, and puts them into a dark blue in a useful position palette. This latter playback is set to both activate and release on the fader.


In the normal run of things, it releases as expected and returns control to the master playback. However, if said playback is, say, in a blackout state and the move-while-dark has done its thing, if I bring up the scene-change playback and then take it out, the main playback doesn't re-assert the auto-move, resulting in a live move on the heads that the scene change state uses when I run the next cue on the main stack.


Is there a way to get a cue stack to re-assert its auto-moves when control is returned to it from another playback? Or would I be better served turning move-while-dark off and going through the cue stack putting in some mark cues (which is what I'd have preferred to have seen in the first place, but there we go ...)?

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You could try setting the recalculate state on jumps option on for the main stack, but a better and more controllable solution would be to scrap the auto move when dark and use the mark cues to control it.



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You could try setting the recalculate state on jumps option on for the main stack, but a better and more controllable solution would be to scrap the auto move when dark and use the mark cues to control it.




It's a hypothetical question now, Matt, as the stack that was programmed with auto-move-when-dark is now redundant and I'll be reprogramming the show properly with 'real' mark cues ;). But the recalculate states on jumps thing is worth knowing, thanks.

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Matt, a little more advice needed, please. Trying the same thing with proper mark cues (as opposed to AMWD) still doesn't work. If I have a 'real' cue (not a mark cue) on stage, and activate the "scene change" single-cue list by raising the fader, then release it by dropping the fader to zero again, the active cue in the main cue list re-asserts itself and all parameters return to where they should be in that list. If the active cue in the main list is a mark cue, it doesn't re-assert itself when the second list is released, and I get a live move when running into the next cue. Is there any way to prevent this?
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