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multi image projection


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Hi all


What would be the best approach to play three streams of video to seperate projecters. They need to be synchronised so I don't think original idea of using mp4 players in conjunction with some control software work


I'm thinking more of having the video clips as files on a machine equiped with three seperate video cards. This could then play out through software with a timeline playout where each video track can be sent to a seperate card. Does such a pice of software application exist?





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Do you need the streams to be frame accurately synced?


what resolution are the projectors (and the content?)


I would suggest a Datapath X4 to chop the 3 screens out of a single output from either a computer or some kind of HD media player. This will give perfect sync more affordably than any other methord.

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  • 5 weeks later...
The matrox box is greatly inferior to the X4 - the matrox 2go boxes need very specific input resolutions and timings to work, they are not all that stable (for example rebooting them can cause EDID related errors) they work just about well enough for one off event use, but for a longer term install they are likely to be the thing which goes wrong and requires technician call outs to fix.
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+1 to that- reliable and stable isnt the matrox product. Prone to overheat, limited resolutions, unreliable and often difficult to get working is the more accurate version. The X4 is a different thing that does the same job and ive been using them for a year or so, cant fault them.
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Fair enough. How much does the x4 retail at? Wouldnt mind getting my hands on one.

True that the matrox units can be a little bit of a pain to set up, but I have had them running at month long lumieres, and have found them rock solid after the initial hair pulling stage. Just lucky I guess, certainly have found no overheating issues.

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