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Hello fellow technicians!


I have scrounged through Google and checked our manual, However I want to program some custom chases in for our 2 Mac 2000 Performances.


I know the basics of Effects and how to setup Steps and such, However as its in Blind I am having issues working out how to move the movers and colours.


Any Input whether it be Links, Tutorials or Tips would be gratefully recieved.


Kind Regards

Tom 'technician' Pearce :)

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I know the basics of Effects and how to setup Steps and such, However as its in Blind I am having issues working out how to move the movers and colours.



If you select the channels says mover 1 on channel 100 and mover 2 on channel 101


Type 100+101 [enter]


now go down to virtual controls (on the same section as you save) << EDIT: THE BROWSER SECTION


now click on ML Controls

then open in tab


this should bring up a similar screen to whats shown below


this now allows you to see the colour, the pan & tilt, the gobo, intensity etc


Hope this helps




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with movers in blind you are always going to have issues as to where they are pointing, unless you have some form of visualiser to give you a rough idea you are just going to have to create it live, do you know how to get into the effects menu? [Effects] [Effects]


google for ETC Ion Tea Break Tutorials, and if you like in future, go on ETC's training course, its free and rather handy.




theres the link for you for the tutorials..



Hope this helps


E2A, as to where the movers are, just a thought, but if you look on the picture beneathe where it says pan/tilt it gives you a 4 square grid, this can be used to see rough posistions,and also as regards to the colours, you can see what colour you are in at what point for the movers too.


IIRC, if say you wanted a figure of 8 style chase and a colour changing fade effect, you would have to create two effects, if im wrong please someone correct me that way I have learnt something new too :-)





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If you could let us know exactly what you want to achieve I could pretty much guide you through what you need to do.


Do you want a pan/tilt movement effect ontop of a colour chase effect?


What kind of movement do you want?


Do you want particular colours?


How fast/slow do you want either of those effects?


I would start of by recording your movers into a preset for that cue, allowing you to change there position when you get into the venue very easy.

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If you could let us know exactly what you want to achieve I could pretty much guide you through what you need to do.


Do you want a pan/tilt movement effect ontop of a colour chase effect?


What kind of movement do you want?


Do you want particular colours?


How fast/slow do you want either of those effects?


I would start of by recording your movers into a preset for that cue, allowing you to change there position when you get into the venue very easy.


Basically its for a Pantomime, For the Songsheet we want the movers to scan around the auditorium but we ideally dont want it to hit the Seating as its Raked and will nicely blind them.


We have a chosen Gobo and Colour its just the positions we are really needing. Speeds are pretty understandable on the page.

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Hi Tom,


I wondered if everything is getting a little over complicated already. If we're trying to keep it simple, then the built in effects in the console might do exactly what you're after.


When you say you're working in blind, do you mean because you are trying to pre-plot away from the venue or because you're trying to build effects in blind while plotting?


For a quick fix and potentially a good starting to point, I would record a focus palette that is the starting point for the pan/tilt effect. You could then use an effect such as 903 (a figure of eight) and adjust the scale to restrict the effect to a given area. If this still hits the audience then maybe adjust the focus palette starting point. If you want copy effect 903 to a new effect and play around with it from there. If you are working in Blind because you haven't got to the venue yet, then once you're there all you to do is update your focus palette and adjust the scale and timing etc. as needed.


You can of course get a lot more complicated and build pan/tilt effects from scratch which you may need if you wish to be more specific with locations and movements


Let me know if you need help with the syntax for that.


HTH - or maybe I've completely missed the point ;)



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