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Possible to project onto a pleated curtain?


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I am in the planning stages of a production in the summer and had the idea of projecting adverts onto the FOH Curtains before and after the show (using the installed projector), I know that obviously it will not work with complex pictures etc but I was just wondering if it would work with basic logo's and bold text. Anyone tried this before and how the image would be affected by the pleated curtain? The curtains are dark blue and was thinking the best colour for text would be white?
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Its totally possible.



The main thing to be aware of is the depth of the pleat when its hung. If its too deep then if your at one side of the auditorium rather than flat then you obviously won't see the full image. Also on the pleats, the image will slightly warp, but with basic text and logos - from flat on its pretty cool.


However - a safety curtain is much better. No doubting that.

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I tried this on our fairly full pleated curtains. The middle few columns (?) of the audience could make sense of it but the rest got a jumbled mess. My solution was to make a 3m x 3m roman curtain which slotted into the gap between the proscenium arch and our FoH drapes. There was about a 30cm gap which was just enough. It could be pulled up out of the way and dropped back in very quickly. I've had a look but have no pictures, this was a long time ago, before digital photography. Mine wasn't quite as complex as the one in the diagrams.
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