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Schools Theatre Support Group

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I am currently making contacts with any schools or colleges around the country whom have their own theatre and professional theatre staff, particularly in the technical roles, such as a theatre technician or technical manager.


As professional theatre staff in a teaching environment, we occupy a fairly unique and isolated situation, somewhat outside of regular theatre, but with the same intentions, products, rules and problems. The intention is to have a network of school technicians/technical managers where we can share ideas and problems specific to school theatres, such as safety aspects, problems with student staffing, budgets, etc. Also, it would be good for those within travelling distance to arrange visits to each other’s theatres to view and exchange current practice, procedures, equipment, etc.


If you’re interested, please drop me a PM and feel free to pass this message on to any colleagues or other schools as appropriate. Unfortunately this can only be open to employed staff, not pupils/students. I look forward to hearing from you.





[EDIT] For more information, please see this post.

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  • 2 months later...
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As an update to this, we now have a link to the National Independent Schools Drama Association (NISDA), whom are welcoming us to be involved with their organisation as a "theatre support group" - to include technicians, technical managers, theatre managers, workshop/costumiers, etc, all in professional employment within a school. Although the group is primarily founded within the independent sector, state schools and colleges are equally welcome to join.


If anybody would like more information, please PM me, or you can email (paul@stsg.org.uk).



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there


was plesently suprised to fing this idea on this forum.


I'm a New member to blue room but have recently worked with a few guys that are posting on here (good working with you EMJ Ian and Dave)


I currently work as a Stage drama and media technician at southfield school in kettering northamptonshire


What is every one else up to


How do you find Teching in Schools

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Best thing I can advise is join our little group - there are currently 22 "members", and we're planning a meet-up at ABTT this year hopefully. Drop me a PM with your details.



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Hi, I have been using this forum for a while but haven't got round to saying hello in this section, I too have sold out to education! although the theatre is also a little receiving house which has in the past been quite successful although due to budget cuts their program was axed for the past few years. having just got the full time position of theatre tech there I have been asked to get it up and running again. I'm really looking forward to it although I currently have a budget of nil! one of the biggest shocks I have had is that non theatre types don't appreciate the time/money/physical effot that it requires to produce shows that are fit to open to the public. but fingers crossed in sept,. we will have a good calendar and they might even allow me to hire someone else to work with me!


well now I have said hello please all feel free to msg me,

and I feel a bit safer knowing its not only me who works in education!




ta-ra Andy

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one of the biggest shocks I have had is that non theatre types don't appreciate the time/money/physical effot that it requires to produce shows that are fit to open to the public. but fingers crossed in sept,. we will have a good calendar and they might even allow me to hire someone else to work with me!


Tell me about it!!!


I work in education, in the last year I did a dissertation based on building a control room for the place.... Non tecy people havnt got a clue, they went into shock when I spent £60 on a 4 way dynamic processor!!


the only thing thats worse is when u get school being advised by ppl who think they know it. i.e. u recomend £2k of martin, HK, turbo, ev etc of speaker, a parent who does the school disco's recomends £200 of sound lab!


try explaining the diffrence between a £50 cab and a £500...all they see is the cheaper!!!



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I too work in education and I've taken our sound system from an HH MA100 and one microphone to a near professional setup. Our lighting system has also moved from open wirewound rheostats and a few domestic floods to a near professional system. It has taken nearly 20 years and I'm still working on it.


I have bought much of this stuff from the proceeds of shows and concerts although Senior Management are now converted and realise that you get what you pay for. The Parents' Association have been brilliant recently too. It has been a battle for hearts and minds. They are still OK with big things but do not realise the price of little things, eg cables, microphones, etc. Nor do they quite realise the time involved in setting up lighting for a show.


I'm now raising the H&S profile because there are so many issues in Schools. Again, it's about changing the culture. I think it's a battle I'm beginning to win. At least our Head is 100% behind this one. The rest of the staff are more of a problem but I'll keep working on it.


In education you have to do things a bit at a time. Teachers are a conservative lot and need time to come to terms with change.

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Aha! Glad to know I'm not the only one out there!


Except, I'm not in a school, I'm at one of the colleges of the University of Cambridge.

Sadly, I have had to teach myself everything, and constantly keep coming up against the non-technician people with red-tape/disagreements :huh:

Thankfully tho (from a couple of experiences), at least I don't work with students who're still immature to the point of stupidity!


Feel free to PM me, it'd be great to get in contact with other people in similar situations :D

Knowledge is best shared, as this forum shows 100%!

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I dont want to sound like im ranting about non tech people, nor turn this forum into a witch hunt but... has anyone ever fought to buy a few strand SL's had to pesuade people that £350 really isnt that much, begg and pleed only to realise that you then have to explain to them that the lanterns dont come with plugtop, G clamp, safety bond blah blah.... and that will be an extra £???





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I dont want to sound like im ranting about non tech people, nor turn this forum into a witch hunt but... has anyone ever fought to buy a few strand SL's had to pesuade people that £350 really isnt that much, begg and pleed only to realise that you then have to explain to them that the lanterns dont come with plugtop, G clamp, safety bond blah blah.... and that will be an extra £???





Strand SL @ £350 a pop .... hook clamp, safety and plugtop @ perhaps £10 or so for the set. If you can't persuade your dealer to throw 50 or 60 quids' worth bits and bobs into the deal when you're shelling out two or three grand for lanterns, then maybe you should try a different dealer! :P

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I dont want to sound like im ranting about non tech people, nor turn this forum into a witch hunt but... has anyone ever fought to buy a few strand SL's had to pesuade people that £350 really isnt that much, begg and pleed only to realise that you then have to explain to them that the lanterns dont come with plugtop, G clamp, safety bond blah blah.... and that will be an extra £???





Strand SL @ £350 a pop .... hook clamp, safety and plugtop @ perhaps £10 or so for the set. If you can't persuade your dealer to throw 50 or 60 quids' worth bits and bobs into the deal when you're shelling out two or three grand for lanterns, then maybe you should try a different dealer! :P


I try, we have 'prefered suppliers' basicaly the golfing partners of the great and good, so we struggle to change suppliers. the cost of gobo holders and irises all add up, its the best part of a hundred notes for an iris no matter where you look.



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A good tip when bidding for education moneyis NEVER to bid for what you must need. In this case, don't justify £350, when they'll lift eyebrows the same amount for £405. Teh you work wonders and get everything for £375 and they call you a miracle worker. Got this idea from Star Trek and it's worked every time! Asked for some money once, quoted the real price, then got given 90% of it. Never gave real figures again.
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  • 1 month later...

To update this again... we now have a network of over 20 technicians/technical managers from independent and state schools around the country. There are 3 of us who are currently the group "organisers".


At this year's ABTT show, 9 of us met up for lunch and discussion. We'll be doing a similar thing at PLASA in September, as well as hopefully having our own group meet-up somewhere soon. Longer-term, we've been invited to join the NISDA conference next June, which is being held in Derbyshire.


Anybody who hasn't yet been in touch, send me an email (paul@stsg.org.uk) or PM.




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just wondering where you stand with student members, I'm head technician at one school but I am not a student there , however I'm not "professional staff" but I am treated as the head of the theatre department in the school ( the school dosent have much of a theatre department but im head of the small part it does have ;) ).


could you make a student group or something similar on the forum?

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