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SCS - Show Cue System - HELP


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Hello, we are running SCS 10 for a show we are doing at the moment, running on a windows 7 machine.


We are using an M-Audio box for midi and a creative EMU, everything works fine with but then for no apparent reason it fails to fire audio, it says in the bottoms window that its playing however no audio comes out and the play position slider does not move, it then continues to fire midi perfectly happily, but no more audio until the software is restarted.


It fails to fire audio on different cues and never the same twice in a row, so it is not a cue issue.


Any ideas please as im sure you can imagine this is a relatively serious problem.

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Go to the SCS forums and post your problem there - the author of the program will more than likely be in touch with you very fast. He's incredibly helpful and will do everything he can to sort the issue out - in my last job we used SCS extensively and any issues we had were fixed very quickly once we'd told him what the problem was.
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I agree with Gridgirl that a post in the SCS forums is most likely to get a quick result...but have one quick thing for you to look at.


Make sure all system sounds are completely shut down in your Windows control panel. W7 has a nasty habit of letting them take over your playback sound card and cause a conflict. Vista and W7 were both nasty for this.

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I'd also be looking very carefully at the way windows is set up. Out of the box, it is not suitable for a job like this. You need to build a machine very specifically for this kind of job in order for it to do it reliably. There are a lot of setting that need changing and plenty of things that need to not be running in the background. I got most of my info from a web page somewhere (memory fails now!) so I'm sure a bit of googling will help.

I've been running SCS for years on a dedicated XP machine. I'd be lying if I said I'd never had any problems whatsoever with it but these have been down to configuration issues with windows itself rather than a problem with SCS.

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I have had this problem with SCS before and it turned out to be a sound card driver problem. A temporary fix was changing the sound card driver that was used within SCS - can't remember how to do this however!
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Thanks for all of the help everyone, Problem sorted, it seemed that the external sound card we were using had a problem with the computer. All sorted once I was able to swap over to a new audio card this morning.
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