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Cat5 multi


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The Yamaha digital multicore (using SB168-ES boxes and MY16 cards) is based on Ethersound. Ethersound is a standard, and other people do make Ethersound boxes with mic preamps that should work. Whether these boxes are easily available and economically priced is another matter, bearing in mind that Yamaha kit tends to be decent value. There are other digital multicore systems which need different cards, such as the Aviom system, which I have no experience with as a multicore. There is no card available for the Roland REAC system, afaik you would have to go through a REAC - MADI bridge to use it with a Yamaha desk - I don't know whether that prevents pre amp control from the desk but it may well do.


My feeling is that for standard PA jobs using digital multicores with this generation of Yamaha desks isn't that great an idea. The components of the system are expensive, and having multiple cards in a mixer is a bit fiddly. You presumably already own a suitable analog multi for your LS9 and you may well have problems getting a good price for it.

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