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Quartz Composer and Qlab


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Having a few issues with Qlab when using a Quartz composition to control a live video chroma key. I've got a successful composition outside Qlab, but can't seem to fathom how to get the published image input of the composition to interface properly.


I've got limited experience with Quartz, so any help or files that might work would be a blessing! Lost many an hours sleep over this....



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Having a few issues with Qlab when using a Quartz composition to control a live video chroma key. I've got a successful composition outside Qlab, but can't seem to fathom how to get the published image input of the composition to interface properly.


I've got limited experience with Quartz, so any help or files that might work would be a blessing! Lost many an hours sleep over this....




As a starter for 10, (and forgive me if I'm teaching grandma to suck eggs), but have you published the image input in quartz as "Image"? (right click on the any box with an image input option, and publish the image input as Image.) And extending from that, published all the other things in a billboard/sprite that you want Qlab to control (width, height, opacity etc?)

Without seeing the project, or without a bit more info as to what exactly the problem is you are having, then I couldn't provide much more advice than that.

When you say you have a successful project outside Qlab, do you mean you've used the camera input in quartz and it works, and you are now trying to achieve the same thing using Qlab? If so it could be as simple as tracing the line in Quartz that the camera uses to get to the output stage, and disconnecting the camera and publishing where it was as the "image" input?



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