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Zero88 Siruis for moving heads?


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Hello everyone,


I currently run my lighting sets from pc controlled systems with midi wings etc... controlling anything from a set of led pars to a stage running led pars, movers, generics etc. Sometimes upto 20 heads at once and 40 pars. This has worked fine but am now looking to pick up a desk to start learning and also use as a backup/second rig. I am on a very limited budget until next summer when hopefully I will pick up a Pearl, but in the meanwhile I was wondering if the Sirius wasable to do similar things??.... I read it doesn't support LTP which apparently makes intelligent fixtures rather tricky to program well.




In short, is it at al worth picking up for a yearor so to do some learnign and programming on or will it be hellish??


Best regards, Will

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The Sirius 250/500s are good moving head consoles, but do come with some downsides. For example, the one we are both looking at can support 96 channels, only 48 of which can be moving heads or other intelligent lights. Don't get confused with the Sirius 24/48s, which are much older and aren't capable of controlling LTP channels. Other downsides include that HTP and LTP playbacks are grouped separately (not such a bad point on its own) and only 1 LTP playback can be activate at a time, which makes running multiple LTP chases pretty hard.


It's not a bad desk, but there are Frogs out there which are a lot newer, which sell for around the same price. eBay is also pretty good for picking up desks like Avolites Azures pretty cheaply. Don't take what I mean the wrong way, make an offer on it and see if you get it!


Kind Regards,


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Thanks for the reply Ben!


So are you saying I can only control 48 channels worth of movers ie. 3 fixtures at 16ch each, or do I patch the movers into the desk so fixtures address would be 1-16, 17-32, 33-48 etc etc and then each fixture corresponds to one fader on the desk. so I can control 48 Moving lights? Sorry if this is coming across clumsy or idiotic, Just these desks can get confusing quickly compared to the software based programing I am used to.


Best regards, Will

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Hey Will,


Sorry, when I said 48 channels of LTP I meant you can control up to 48 moving heads, one to each fader. The fader then controls the intensity of the fixture, and selecting the fixture with the buttons allows control of the fixture using the 4 wheels. The other 48 faders can then be used to control generic fixtures. Hope that makes it clearer!


Have a look on the Zero 88 website, click support, select Sirius250/500 from the list box and have a read of the manual, it should explain everything pretty clearly!


Kind Regards,


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