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LS9-16 and SB168-ES


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Having an issue with an LS9-16 whereby it will not control the HA of a SB168-ES. I've reset the scene memories of the desk, and the stagebox, and tried setting them up with the ethersound software, but to no avail.


Any ideas?

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Can you be more specific? Do you see the preamp gain knob in the channels? Can you adjust it? Does it move but not affect the gain on the actual preamps?

There's a setting somewhere (I think in the slots section) that you have to set to allow control - have set that correctly?

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I've not got the console in front of me at the moment, but movinf the knob caused an error message to display, and on the home screen, the indicator was greyed out, with no ability to adjust it, or phantom power which wasn't even shown. I had a look around the settings, but when trying to set slots up, it indicated that the card was a MY16-AT, which it obviously isn't. I'm stumped!
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Have a look at p.175 in the LS9 manual - the section I was thinking of is in the racks rather than slots section - there's an external head amp tab where you can set up communications with the SB168.
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Hi Elliot,


Assuming your network has been setup correctly the most likely issue will be the comm port which is found in the HA tab of the FX rack. Make sure this is selected as Comm 1 (off the top of my head). You should then see the virtual units in your rack. If you are not getting this then I would look at the Auvitran software again.

If you have reset the stage box (with dip switches) then you wil definately need to reprogram the network. Best bet would be to start again and do things from scratch.



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