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Fat Frog Help.


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Hi Guys

I usually spend my working life mucking about with sound but more recently have been getting involved with lighting. The desk I have been using is a Jester ML48 , because that is what the venue has, and I have found the tag/untag option very useful when working with LED fixtures. I have a show next month where I will be using a Fat Frog . I have downloaded the manual but the Frog doesn't have the tag/untag facility is there a way to acheive this ? what I want to do is program Red to one sub Blue to another and Green to a third so that I can colour mix manually. I hope this makes sense.


Thanks in advance



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If I remember correctly you need to be in partial mode. The manual is an easy read and available on the z88 support site.

Correct but worth noting that this option is only available in the later versions on the desk software so make sure the desk is running the latest version.

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Hi Mal,


Make sure the Fat Frog has version 10.12 software, downloadable from the Zero88 website. The manual is somewhat out of date with the later versions of the software so make sure you download and read the Release Notes which are now quite comprehensive. You will need to be in Partial Mode (then decide if you want tracking on or off) then you can tag and untag the various parameters of a fixture as you desire.


Good luck,


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