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Sennheiser G2 Transmitter Fault


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Have just finished a show in which one of our G2 transmitters failed. Closer inspection has revealed that the headset jack socket is freely rotating. Has anyone else experienced this? Is it fixable at a reasonable cost?


Note that I am in Sydney (in case anyone has a recommendation for a repairer)



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Likelihood is one or more of the wires will have broken off the socket when a ham-fisted chump twisted it too hard.


Just open it up and solder them back on. You may need to compare with a working one to see where each one goes.


It's unlikely to be anything "electronically complicated", so any reasonable technician should be able to fix it within half an hour.


I often put a drop of superglue on things like that to help stop them working loose.

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Common fault, the only real fault I find with the Senny packs. The socket terminals are "crimped" in there in manufacture, but not enough to stop it from spinning once a heavy hand tightens up the locking ring on the connector.


You'll need to replace the socket, it is (generally) a cheap part if you know someone with a Syntec account (Syntec/Senn. part # 529722). So if you're comfortable with disassembling and soldering, you could buy one and do it yourself (hardest part is getting a torx driver, you'll have to remove the flex connector from the main board to the tx board, and pop the screen off/remove it's flex connector too - but they're quite simple).


Otherwise you may as well take it to any pro audio repairer, they will have to charge their nominal minimum fee though. I would, but my work is in Melbourne and it's probably easier staying local.


With all of ours, I go through all the packs every three shows or so and tighten the slotted nut on the outside as this is the only thing preventing it from spinning (and if anyone knows of an easy source to get the correct driver in Australia I'll be forever greatful!)

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With all of ours, I go through all the packs every three shows or so and tighten the slotted nut on the outside as this is the only thing preventing it from spinning (and if anyone knows of an easy source to get the correct driver in Australia I'll be forever greatful!)


I'd be keen to track down the correct tool in the UK as well. Needlenose pliers don't quite do the job...

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