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Tablet PC running windows


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It looks like at least a year since we last discussed this one, so things must have moved on a bit...


I'm on the look out for a tablet PC, initially to run airfader to control my LS9 but possibly with other applications in the future. Something along the lines of Samsung's galaxy tab would be lovely; on any other day I'd be quite happy with Android but on this occasion it has to be windows. (I'm violently allergic to anything apple so an ipad isn't an option.)


It doesn't need to be uber tough as it'll just be me using it and I look after my kit. I've used quite chunky windows tablets in the past but there must be something out there that's a little more elegant by now?


Price - less than £300 would be nice.

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Less than 300 you will struggle for, an OEM windows 7 license is almost £100 (to a supplier).


I got an ebay china import, but from a UK seller, and apart from a few quirks (most spelling in the on screen displays) its really good. Don't expect the battery to be great though, you can't get a lot of battery into a small package like a tablet, and Windows is a power hungry OS, unlike android. I get around 90mins to a full battery, which is enough to move around but not to spend ages on the battery.

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bit chunkier than a tablet, but I had a HP laptop where the screen spins around and folds back down so it becomes a tablet, was both touch screen and stylus, and gave you all the functionality of a laptop, with some of the attributes of an albeit bulky tablet.
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Would that be the HP TC1100 Sam? I still have one that I no longer use - and you're right it's a nice compromise between a tablet and a laptop. It's a bit old and clunky looking by today's standards but it runs Windows 7 comfortably.
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Would that be the HP TC1100 Sam? I still have one that I no longer use - and you're right it's a nice compromise between a tablet and a laptop. It's a bit old and clunky looking by today's standards but it runs Windows 7 comfortably.


Mine was a TX2 - unfortunately it overheated and the graphics chip became de-soldered from the main board and I haven't had chance to sneak it into our labs to x-ray it and find out if the BGA can be reworked... I did repair it using out oven at home as a rework oven and got it working for a few more weeks, but then heat of the oven didnt do much for the fan, which didnt do the over heatnig problem much good... I would hope that the newer touchsmart laptops would have fixed the issue... Dell also make a laptop / tablet switchable device.

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Mine was a TX2 - unfortunately it overheated and the graphics chip became de-soldered from the main board and I haven't had chance to sneak it into our labs to x-ray it and find out if the BGA can be reworked... I did repair it using out oven at home as a rework oven and got it working for a few more weeks, but then heat of the oven didnt do much for the fan, which didnt do the over heatnig problem much good... I would hope that the newer touchsmart laptops would have fixed the issue... Dell also make a laptop / tablet switchable device.

This is a very common fault with HP laptops that have nVidia graphics. I have on average two or three HP-Compaq laptops with this fault each month! I send the motherboards off to a factory in Hong Kong to have the graphics chip replaced for a second generation chip with a stronger substrate, soldered on with leaded solder.

There was a large number of nVidia graphics chips produced with weak substrates (the base on which the chip is mounted, to allow solder connections to be made). Just like mixing cement too dry, the substrate is weak and cracks under thermal stress leaving microscopic fractures in it. These fractures open up as the chip heats up and cause the brittle lead-free solder joints to break more often.

If you want to know where you can send it to have the graphics chip replaced, for a cost of about £60 including 48hr international shipping to/from Hong Kong, PM me....

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