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Grease Car(s)


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Hello. I am doing Grease in February and I am looking for a crummy Grease car and a perfect looking Grease car. Ideally, both cars would need to be a "complete model" as both cars will be shown from all sides. The car(s) would need to be easily moved on and off stage and possibly be able to be flown due to the lack of space in the wings.


In theory, I am looking for two cars however if there is a prop out there that can have different skins that would be perfect too. I have had a look around some of the prop hire companies however they only seem to be able to provide me with half a car.


If anyone has hired a Grease car recently or has them made that I could hire from you, please send me a PM. I am currently drafting a budget for the show so would be in contact soon.



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Unfortunately, the BR search function isn't keen on returning threads older than a month... but Google has a load:




Any other those of use to you?

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