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Something more modern, sir?

Ken Coker

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Can't find the IDM at the moment, so here's the MMS brochure. I had no idea there was a tape storage option.










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Oh happy memories - I ran the Belgrade MMS at the College Theatre after the Belgrade upgraded to Galaxy, and we even swapped the old Belix power crate to switch mode PSU's courtesy of the Albery Theatre.


As part of that upgrade we obtained a cartridge drive and were keen to run it... Sadly the darn thing drew so much power it wasn't possible to have it plugged up and have the desk in show configuration as all the other modules had to be unplugged to get the bus loading right. ;) The Strand engineer who did the PSU upgrade (Paul?) happily took the drive away with him in return for helping us setup the video display module...

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My first experience of a memory console, too. In fact, the desk in photo number 3 on the penultimate page of that brochure (Theatr Clwyd, Mold) is that very desk! (It had a tape storage module, too, Ken - just out of shot to the right.)


That desk was installed in our main house in 1976 when the theatre first opened. A couple of modules from it were still working until quite recently, at a rebuilt MMS in an amateur venue in Southend. Ken, is there any chance you could e-mail me a bigger, higher-res scan of that bit of the brochure? It would be interesting to see if I can work out who the operator is in that picture! It could be one of three or four people, and I can't tell from the photo as it is.

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A couple of modules from it were still working until quite recently, at a rebuilt MMS in an amateur venue in Southend.

I had the power supply, or possibly a spare one, from it when mine died.



Ex Harlequin Players Northwich, now retired to Sunny Spain.

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Ah, happy days. I can remember the Memocard desk in the King's Edinburgh, though being only a student I never had the chance to operate it. I do remember purloining some of the punched cards for use in a report though.

And the MMS with the button mimic... I think there were only two of that variety installed in UK theatres - the keypad version was more common (and more practical!). I have fond memories of the one in Eden Court in Inverness. And the tape drive with its heavyweight cartridges and half inch tape... Theatre Royal Glasgow had one of those, and also the briefcase remote, which was mounted on its own custom trolley. I still sometimes talk about 'doing a K9 zero' for going to black!

And then there was the pin patch, with the yellow pins for direct and the red pins for inhibit patching of channels.... what a great desk it was at the time.

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