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Wireless Access Points

Ben Lawrance

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Hi All,


I need to get a wireless access point, for using my iPad2 with the M7.


Now, I've been reading the net for an hour or so, and so far cannot decide which one to go for.


Main points I need are: Good range (maybe with external aerials) and not a silly shape as I need to mount it in a rack.


Has anyone had good experience with any access point?





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I've used Linksys WRT54G with the optional 'high gain' antennas (I think it's the HGA7S) without any problems. It sits flat on the surface so you can strap it or bolt it to a rack shelf.


(If you're installing it permanently in the case etc, the PCB inside the router is actually quite small - take it out the case and mount the antennas on cables)

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one thing to note is the wrt54g can be loaded with openwrt to allow you to do much more than with the default firmware.


I have a number of 54g's that I use for all sorts


you also need to make shure you get a router and not an access point, it will make live much easier down the line

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I know this solution is not rack mountable, but it is an awesome access point with a range you will be almost unable to beat without some serious hardware PicoStation. I have the 1000W version of this and slot the mounting bracket between the foam and extrusion on my MA case for MA remote. At about 85m inside a fire escape my iPhone reads -80dB - normally I start to see dropouts at about -120dB.
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Not even sure that's legal in the UK...


Its not legal in the UK at 1000mW without a license either. However within ubiquiti's configuration utility there is the option to limit power output based on location, if you tell it what antenna gain your using, that keeps you nicely the right side of the regulations.

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