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A WYSIWYG Beam Question


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Hi all,


I'm sure I'm being daft here!


I've got m WYSIWYG plan and all is lovely. However, normally when I click on a fixture (in CAD mode) I get a lovely wire beam representation which I can then click and drag to focus. However, all of a sudden this has disappeared. When I select the fixture (and it goes green) the beam is still visible in shaded view, but in wireframe view I don't get the wire beam appearing for me to click and drag to focus.


Having looked through the help it simply says you can click and drag a beam to focus but it doesn't mention anything about turning this function on or off.




Any ideas anybody?


I've e-mailed cast but am currently waiting for a response.










E2A: I feel I should add, after receiving a PM, that this is infact a genuine copy of WYSIWYG, and should Andy be around I'll more than happily send him my dongle number and he can confirm it is genuine!

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or the fact their is a cracked R22


Seriously, Tom has in his post told us that it's a genuine copy, and will happily have someone verify his dongle number. Why do you still feel the need to question how moral and law-abiding he is? What's wrong with either posting something constructive and helpful, or, you know, not posting at all?

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Hi Tom


Right Click in your wireframe view in Cad Mode, select the tab labelled Show Details and make sure 'Show beams for selected fixtures' is turned on.


If it is another reason could be if you have no floor drawn into wyg, the beam is just going to infinity so you cant see the beam hitting the floor.


Hope that helps

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  • 5 weeks later...

I have a question about wyg beams too so I thought instead of opening a new topic I could join in in this one..




I just updated to R27 and it is truly awesome.. but the thing I can't seam to figure out, in shaded mode in design my spot moving heads are barely visible, washes and conventionals work fine, it's really just the moving heads with gobo's.


but the strange thing is, they do work properly when I render it..



anyone have any thoughts on this? am I missing something?

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