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Wembley conference centre lighting desk?


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Does anyone know what lighting desk was used at the old Wembley conference centre? It was purchased by my local theatre when the conference centre was pulled down and I did use it in the past, but I don't know what make it was. All I know is that it ran on ISIS software and was very large and heavy. Has anyone here used it and know what it is? It may not have originally run on ISIS software, that could have been a later addition when it moved to my local theatre.
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It was indeed an ADB Vision 10 (of which they had two as tracking backup). Was part of their overhaul with all ADB spots, 2k's & 5K fresnels with Gelbus scrollers IIRC.

It's a while back now but I think Cookie was one of their freelance ops. Graham & Roy/Ray were also on the full-time crew. Struggling to remember the name of the manager (was it Chris?) who moved over to the Arena side of things though I would have thought/hoped he'd retired by now.

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Yes! it was a vision 10! thank you soo much http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif I needed to know what it was so that I can put it onto my CV. Nobody at the theatre knew what it was, so thats why it wasn't worth me asking them and I was the only person who knew how to work it. It has been replace now with something much more basic so other can easily use the lighting. it was a very efficient desk, a bit on the large size, but it worked very well and taught me a lot about lighting control as it was my first lighting desk. we have some of their spots and 2k's aswell, some very good lanterns.
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