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A&H iLive


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I've got a few small questions about the iLive (T112) which I wasn't totally clear on from the manual.


When using FX such as Reverb, Delay etc, it seems the returns don't have to be brought back in as input channels like you would on an M7 - there are fx chains, short returns, channel returns or insert.


If you use a short return, what do you lack over running it as a channel return?


If you use a channel return, does that eat into the physical channel count on the mix rack? (I.e 48 channels on an iDR48)


Also, I'm interested to know how real life users of the iLive layout the strips/layers?





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The FX return channels are in essence extra input channels dedicated to the FX without eating into your "channel count" so to speak. They provide you with all the standard channel features such as the full parametric eq, HPF, ect,ect. The "mix" button feature allows you to send to the aux channels as you would on a standard channel.


And to answer your second question, the 48 input channels are always available no matter how many fx channels you wish to use, thats the great thing about the iLive, the routing is so flexible that you should never run short on channels at the stage end (unless you bought the wrong size of iDR !! ) as, with 112 physical channels available at the surface you will be to route and set up layers however you want.


I hope this makes sense to you, it does in my head at least !!









I've got a few small questions about the iLive (T112) which I wasn't totally clear on from the manual.


When using FX such as Reverb, Delay etc, it seems the returns don't have to be brought back in as input channels like you would on an M7 - there are fx chains, short returns, channel returns or insert.


If you use a short return, what do you lack over running it as a channel return?


If you use a channel return, does that eat into the physical channel count on the mix rack? (I.e 48 channels on an iDR48)


Also, I'm interested to know how real life users of the iLive layout the strips/layers?





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Re layouts, I use a T80 and idr32 and use a fairly standard layout, LHS Kick to Vocals on 1-32 layer 1,2 and 3, surface inputs and anything else on layer4. RHS DCA's and mains on layer 1, auxes layer 2 Effects layer 3 Groups and matrix layer 4 on a "normal" Rock show. This can obvioulsy change depending on band and show requirements and the beauty of the desk is it is so quick to do within the limits of the template you choose. The one thing to rember is, if you decide to change say change the strip showing channel1 kick to say vocal channel 32, the vocal channel 32 which in my case is on layer 3 will appear on both layers and channel1 will disappear from the surface until you put it back.. It is always worth when you've done a major change around of the surface channels to press alt view and do a quick channel count to make sure they are all there! The other thing to remember is that on the ilive editor if you use "surface layout" you can see how its going to be on the surface



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Hi Guys,


Thanks - that's really useful.


That's how I understood it - you've effectively got 112 channels on a T112 (28 * 4 layers) - some of those are physical channels (48 in the case of an iDR48) and the rest are virtual - DCA's, FX returns, split channels etc.


The only thing I read elsewhere is that the iDR's all have a max of 64 channels - so if you are using all 48 inputs on a iDR-48, you can only split up to 16 of them into duplicate channels (for having a separate monitor eq/dynamics etc).





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I'd be careful with the distinction between "channels" and "strips" here. A T112 indeed has 112 strips, but the number of channels depends on the iDR at the other end. All the iDRs have processing capabilities for 64 channels, but the limitation for the smaller ones is in the I/O count. If you're looking to split the desk into separate monitor/FoH duties, then that's fine. As you suggest, the 64 channel limit still applies. It is possible to have more, either by running Dual mode, or by simply sending the inputs via Ethersound, etc to a second system. If you have enough I/O on the iDR48, then that could just be an iDR0 DSP head and suitable surface.
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