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Antari HZ-100 servicing/ repairs

Ashley R

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Ive just recently purchased 2 Antari/Acme HZ-100 Hazers. Out of the 2, only 1 is working.


on the one that does not work, I can hear the compressor going, and the fan goes, there is fluid in the tank, but no haze is produced. Any ideas on what the problem could be? (I am yet to open the case up and have a look inside) The previous owner thinks that someone has put the wrong type of fluid in the tank at some point in time.


the 2nd unit (Working) has what appears to me a very low output, which is barely visible when running, any possible reasons for this? (Blocked pipes, old compressor etc. etc.). I am comparing the output to my HZ-400 which is almost brand new, the two units are running a different type of fluid at the moment. (HZ-100 is running Robe fluid, the HZ-400 is running UniFog fluid). And the two units have different outputs (HZ-100, 1000cub ft, HZ-400 2500cub ft) But it does not look like just half of the HZ-400's output.



On both units I wish to do a bit of maintenance to them (Case needs a respray, fans are filthy) anything else should I do to them? such as flushing out the pipes etc.?


Thanks for your help


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Ok, seems like ive answered my own question.


After opening up the casing, and not seeing much that could be the problem, pulled off the hose for the compressor to check that was working ok. I then proceeded to open up the plastic tank which contained the haze fluid (Could also hear something rattling inside), Damaged the upper lip of the box whilst opening it, not to sure how to over come this. After the top was prized off, there was a aluminum disk, which contained 3 'atomizers', pulled that apart and found all the nozzles were blocked with gunk, cleaned them out, and put everything back together, now it works perfectly (Better than the other one!)


Now I'm suspecting some blocked hoses/ nozzles in the 2nd hazer (Which was working all the time) which are the culprit for the low output.


I hope this helps someone.

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Would probably still be worth giving them both a flush through with cleaner fluid (Or a mix of 60/40 distilled water and clear vinegar). Certainly won't do them any harm.


I would warn you though that it stinks - big time - but it works.

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I had 2 slightly different models. A Antari HZ-100 and a Acme HZ-100, internally it seems they are slightly different,(There is also an age difference between the 2 units) the Antari's tank being sealed with what seems like super glue, and the Acme's being sealed with Silicone. the Silicone seal was much much easier to break, and thus resulted in no damage to the plastic tank whatsoever.


The reason why it was outputting poorly, was the intake hoses were bent at a funny angle, and not submersed in the haze fluid, just a quick modification of the placement of the hoses and the unit worked fine.


I now have 2 units that have almost identical outputs :)

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I thought that procedure was only for Smoke Machines/ Fazers?


I thought the small Antaris were "Fazer" type machines. I'm obviously not as familiar with the product as I thought...

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