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Led Screen Rigging Training


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I was wondering if anyone could recommend a decent training course for rigging and setup of LED screens at events?


Also any courses for the setup of smaller screens, such as LCD's at promo-events at exhibition centres etc?


Many thanks.

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Since there are no standards for LED's, setup training is generally offered by the supplier of the screens. And generally, it is something that you inadvertently pay for when you purchase their system (and it is generally only for people who already have a fair clue on how the system will work). Training is then done internally within the organisation to train up the other users. Want to learn how to do it? Work with companies who put them up day in, day out. I have not seen any black magic in the 100 or so screens I have built, none that would require a "training course". What I have seen is a lot of poorly written manuals (exception being Barco and Martin really), poorly made software (it works, but... eww) - but even given that, they are fairly straight forward - anyone with half a brain could figure it out.


If you want to go into the screen rigging industry, learn how to rig (as in truss rigging) - LED screens are generally heavy. Even the light weight transparent stuff very quickly goes into the hundreds of kilograms. Knowing how to calculate your point loads becomes very handy - it is not just a case of Weight of Pannels divided by the number of points.

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What he said.


Basically, if you need to rig screens at a festival, you will probably be taught how. If you're working for somebody XL Video, they'll teach you how to do it. If buying your own, the manufacturer will often do it.


There are no actual courses in 'rigging LED screens' since they are all different and it'd be rather pointless.


Courses are a bit false anyway.. if you're not experienced and competent in something, don't do it without somebody who is, regardless of training!

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