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Mac video editing program


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Hey, does anyone know what the Mac editing program is called, the one that comes with the computer, and where I can get it from, and if possible, make it run on a PC? Im getting bored of using windows movie maker, and its exporting quality isnt that good
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It's called iMovie. (or iMovie DV). I don't think that you would be able to get it to work on Windows though - you might be better off seeing if you can find something like Adobe Premier (but not Premier - thats Expensive...)

I know ulead produce VideoWave (I think thats it), and that may be cheaper/better for you.


Or you could always get a mac (I have now started using one in an artists space I have access to. Coming from a PC background it's difficult to get used to. I had to get rid of the hockeypuck mouse though. And did I say it was a Pink iMac...arrrgh! Now complete with furry bagpuss mouse ** laughs out loud **!)


:unsure: Dan :stagecrew:

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Hey, does anyone know what the Mac editing program is called,



and where I can get it from,



and if possible, make it run on a PC?


You can't. Have a look at Windows specific editing packages. Pinnacle and Adobe make good products - if you want to start cheaper look here

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Buy a secondhand PoweMac G4 or PowerBook. Something with a G4, or if you can afford it, a G5 chip. Then there will be no issues with trying to get iMovie to run. I used Final Cut on a 550MHz G4 that ran fine. Renders were a bit slow, but hey. The OS is beautifully stable, and they are designed to edit video and the such from the off. It will pick up 99% of DV cameras straight out of the box, using iDVD to create DVD's is a peice of piddle with good results.


eMac for £200

£302 gets a PowerMac G4 1.25GHz but only an 'Combo' or CD Burner. For burning DVD's you'll want a 'SuperDrive'

A New iMac for £919 with a G5 processor. Get 10% off if your a student too....


Bear in mind that it's generally assumed that a Mac processor speed equates to 1.5x a PC. So a 1.5GHz PowerBook would be equivalent to a 2.25GHz PC Laptop.


Sorry, bit of a Mac lover......

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What do you need to cut?


If you are only using DV then try using one of the Avid products. You can download it for free from this website.




This is the baby product of the Avid range, it doesn't have as many features as something like Premiere which is better compared to the Avid Xpress DV/ Xpress Pro range.


One of the great things about avid is that as you move up the ladder of products the User Interface and logic stay essentialy the same even up to the top range Media Composer systems like this one.





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can highly recomend Avid. used it at college, in it's full form, and the free version to edit for broadcast. Just wish I had the money to buy my own system.


Nice thing about the free version is that it doesn't have all the fancy features that tend to crash my laptop!




p.s. james: nice pic!

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