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tv weekend, need dvd ripping advice


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so in two weeks I have a massive brit tv celeb weekend in MY theatre. (212 seater uni studio theatre)


I use an eiki projector hooked up to a G5 mac running QLab with video


Most of the content I have to play is in .mov so I can slap it in qlab and play it with ease.


some content is arriving last minute in dvd domestic format, nightmare. I dont want to have to run a composite feed to the projector (even with and electric DMX shutter) ( that rattles when shut) from a crappy dvd player.


some of the content providers are worried about the safety of thier content and feel that providing 'files' are open to abuse.


I alone am soley responsible for the content from when it arrives, plays and is erased from the G5


I want to rip the late arrivals and play them out in qlab so the presentation is flawless and goes back to the 'theme' jpg image after playback and not the dreaded blue screen of no signal. after all, my audience are THE finest of 60s and 70 brit tv. inc laurie johstone brian clemes paul o grady honor blackman and, Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. linda thorson and from monty python, carole cleveland.. my head is spinning at that little show.......


Its a big tv 70s uk celeb weekend I have to run.


I will have two macbooks at my disposal for dvd conversions in a hurry ( I think I will have 12 hours to convert up to 3 hours of domestic dvd content) ( I doubt it will be burned as data given the contributors)







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Mac the Ripper is pretty good for DVD ripping, but outputs as a .vob, so you would need to convert it to .mov with Handbrake.......if you don't want the high quality vob then Handbrake can go straight from DVD to .mov format, and is very good! http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif
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Mac the Ripper is pretty good for DVD ripping, but outputs as a .vob, so you would need to convert it to .mov with Handbrake.......if you don't want the high quality vob then Handbrake can go straight from DVD to .mov format, and is very good! http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif


Hmmm. I think it's time for me to get a Mac. If only they weren't so bloody expensive...

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Mac the Ripper is pretty good for DVD ripping, but outputs as a .vob, so you would need to convert it to .mov with Handbrake.......if you don't want the high quality vob then Handbrake can go straight from DVD to .mov format, and is very good! http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif


I am familiar with mac the rip rip, I have that available and know how to use it, thanks for that.


im interested to see what other suggest, mac the ripper and a bit of avidmux is probably what I will use. handbrake is wicked too, I have access to that as well


the only windows I have access to is the 'corporate network'..... im not going near that with a few macs as my disposal. ( I am very lucky to have some great kit to play with and a theatre to look after)




I am projecting on to a screen about 40 feet away from the audience, I want nice results from dvd to qlab file: .avi .mp4 .mov) but not oversized 5 GB vob files


any resolution/size/stream bitrate setting for dvd to apple mac 212 seater nice image would be a help :) 720 etc


the screen is around 20x20 feet and the projector will throw out original aspect ratio , which will most likely be 70's 4x3

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I use QLab with Handbrake + Vegas on windows, which pretty much covers every eventuality. Handbrake can give good results and is fast when ripping direct from the DVD's VOB, but the settings often require tuning.

If this was my gig, there would be a switcher through which all sources are run. And those sources would include at least one DVD player and a second Mac as backups.

As far as image size goes, I'd have thought all those 70s TV shows were shot in PAL @ 4:3...

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I use QLab with Handbrake + Vegas on windows, which pretty much covers every eventuality. Handbrake can give good results and is fast when ripping direct from the DVD's VOB, but the settings often require tuning.

If this was my gig, there would be a switcher through which all sources are run. And those sources would include at least one DVD player and a second Mac as backups.

As far as image size goes, I'd have thought all those 70s TV shows were shot in PAL @ 4:3...


there would be a switcher: have you ever tried a video mixer that promises to mix vga and composite. we have one, the results are not what you want to put in front of a celebrated 1960'/70s cult set of directors writers and musicians, let alone a A list celeb or five.


I want data off a disc on a hard drive with out any 'switchers' to drop in a composite signal from something that was in 4:3 on film, scanned ripped compressed and burnt and played out in 75ohm rubbish.



thanks tho for reading and taking the time to write me answer, and im sorry if I sound short. a switcher is not the answer, ripping to hard drive and playing out of qlab is my only goal for this gig. yes it was in 4:3 but what pixel size was it? that would help me scale dvd rips





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Download Media Streamclip from here <http://www.squared5.com/> and you can convert the DVD to any playback format you require.

Full DVD may take about 2/3 hrs but should be fine I've never been able to tell the difference between live DVD and Qlab playback when I have done this.

Hope all goes well


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Download Media Streamclip from here <http://www.squared5.com/> and you can convert the DVD to any playback format you require.

Full DVD may take about 2/3 hrs but should be fine I've never been able to tell the difference between live DVD and Qlab playback when I have done this.

Hope all goes well



I have streamclip on the mac, I think that is the best option


thanks for all the replies, I am looking forward to a great weekend!

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  • 2 weeks later...

just to let you know the weekend was a great success




I was running Qlab on a Xeon 2.66 mac. wow, flawless


I did have to play several clips from dvd, the mac had more than enough balls to cope and I had plenty of time between clips to cue up. Everything else arrives as either .mov for Qlab or powerpoint for slides.


thanks for the advice. great weekend had by all :** laughs out loud **::** laughs out loud **:

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On pc all I tend to do is copy the vob off the DVD to the computer then rename to .mpg , this even works with PowerPoint.



there no point re rendering you are not going to improve anything, at the end of the day all DVDs are encoded as mpeg2,



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